Industry – Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing

Outcome – Participants were helped by more clarity and better planning. They came up with solutions to many individual issues and responded to crisis situations in a positive manner
Feedbacks –
Its an enriching program. I am Positive and calmer than before in any crisis situation. I am conscious of my goals. Implemented the “Out of the Box” ideas on my project and was able to reduce the product cost by 20% to 25%.
– H Balasubramani, Engineer
Boost in self-confidence. Being more conscious about myself and my actions; Getting more organised and getting better in terms of interaction with people. Born to Win tools are helping me lead my team better.
– Hemant Agrawal, Engineer
My thinking has changed. Started believing I CAN. Planning my activities ahead of time. Setting goals on weekly basis has helped me a lot. I could achieve 4 pending goals in 3 weeks.
– K Ajith Kumar, Engineer