The Road to Your Dreams is the High-Road | Effective Personal Productivity
The Road to Your Dreams is the High-Road | All about your Effective Personal Productivity

When chasing your dreams, you will be confronted with obstacles, and some come in the form of people who tell you that your dream is not realistic or plausible.
Some of the people who will tell you this might be people who you are close to and have considered well-wishers.
That’s the funny thing about the naysayers, some come with good intensions and some just advice out of their own insecurities.
Regardless, of where the intent lies, the whispers of doubt bring us down. They make us question our dreams, what’s worse, they make us second guess ourselves.
Here is where you must tap into your inner wisdom. Visualize the dream, see it as a reality and rationalize your ability to make it happen.
Let your inner wisdom drown out the noise of the naysayers. Let it sing loud till all those whispers fade away.
Society and culture have taught us to value validation that comes from others in order believe in ourselves. Seek praise from teachers, peers, officials and even parents to be confident in our own abilities. Our minds have a unique ability to value what we hear from others and shape the way we think and feel about ourselves.
It sounds crazy when we think about it but keeping the faith alive a continuous effort, believing in your dreams when other tell you to walk a different part is hard work.
So how do we do it?
The answer is simple: Work on your dream. Covert every seed of doubt into the fuel you need to keep at it.
Research and chart out a course that will get you one step closer to making your dream and reality, and once you take that step, figure out the next.
You don’t always need to go every single aspect of making your dream your reality but at every stage, if you just figure out what the next step is, you be well on your way and before you know it, you’ll reach your destination, your dream.
This process helps your put the pieces of the puzzle together and it helps you reinforce the belief that You can do it.
Your thoughts will soon be filled with motivation from the best and most trusted source: YOU.
As Marianne Williamson wrote, ‘And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give people the permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.’
When you live the ‘yes, I can’ philosophy, you will find more and more people coming forward to support you and believe in you.
They will see your vision they may even share it. You will inspire those who might have dreamt your dream once but never acted on it the way you have, to join you.
You will be able to build a group of people who will be able to help you in your endeavor. The resounding support will soon outweigh the doubt.
Don’t be surprised if the once naysayers get converted into full-blown believers.
So, keep at it even in the face of negativity. Remember you are born to shine bright. You are Born to Win.
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