Stop the Wait and Self Motivate | All About your Personal Productivity Improvement

We’re often told to stay motivated to achieve our goals and make our dreams come true. Basically Personal Productivity Improvement is the basic thing for self motivate.
So, what is motivation? The word motivation is the amalgamation of ‘Motive’ and ‘Action’.
When our actions are guided by and cater to our motive, we give rise to our motivation. Your motivation can come from different sources.
The first is external motivation which is largely driven by the idea of an incentive or reward. Common examples of this is in a corporate set up is the incentive of a bonus, increment, promotion gets you to work hard.
You may have experienced this growing up too, where performing well in your exams would have gotten you a gift from your parents.
You might also find that you give yourself a few incentives to look forward to – workout 6 days a week to earn a cheat day.
External motivation also comes in the form of fear of loss. The threat of losing out on a job, a love interest, a status symbol, etc. also gives you a reason to keep at it.
Both reward and loss can be very powerful. However, they often depend on factors beyond your control. They are tied to the ‘other’.
Someone will give you a reward for achieving your goal, someone will punish you for not making your dream a reality.
Seems odd that your dream becomes attached to the validation or condemnation of others. So, while powerful, external motivation is short-lived and temporary at best.
At Born to Win we believe that way key to keep yourself motivated is self-motivation. The kind that comes from the heart.
The kind that keeps you going not for a reward or punishment, but because your dream is much bigger than that.
We encourage self-motivation because when it comes to your dream, you are the custodian, you are the cheerleader, and you are the one that will make it a reality because it brings you happiness and satisfaction.
Now lies the question, how do you keep yourself motivated from within?
First, start by focusing on the joy you get from the process of working on your dream. Allow yourself to celebrate the little steps and the big strides you make along the way.
Share your achievements with your trusted few, it’ll fuel your confidence and encourage you to tread on.
Find the fun in the hard work, and when things get hard, visualize the dream to remind yourself about the happiness you get from it.
Second, practice the attitude of gratitude. People spend years trying to figure out what their true calling is, some never find it. If you’ve got a dream and you truly are passionate about it, be grateful that you’ve found it altogether.
Be grateful that you have the chance and the opportunity to work towards it. Be thankful for those that have stood by you and encourage you, take the time to tell them their valued and it’ll make you feel stronger.
At the end of the day, when you’re on your way to making your dreams come true, it’s never a question of ‘if’ it’s always a question of ‘when’.
As Swami Vivekananda had said, “All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.
Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”
So, start the process and you fill find that there is only one person who ca motivate you like none other and can keep you going in the long run and that person is you.
You are born to keep going, you are Born to Win.
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